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Can you help someone with the disability application?

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2020 | Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims | 0 comments

There may come a time where you need to help your loved one apply for disability benefits. To help with a person’s application, you could be a relative, friend, employer or even a member of an advocacy group. According to the SSA, you can assist a person with his or her application.

You can fill the application for disability benefits out online. The person that you assist will have to agree to the Terms of Service and then can create or log into his or her personal account. You must answer all of the questions on the form as the person you assist would answer them. This is why it is crucial to have the person nearby to ask questions. If there are any problems with the form or if the office cannot process the request, then you may have to call or schedule an appointment.

The question that many have about filling out a form for a loved one is whether someone has to appoint them as the representative. The answer is no. Now, the person can officially appoint you as an authorized representative but in order to do this, you will need to fill out a form. This is form SSA-1696-U4, the Appointment of Representative form.

When it comes to the end of the application, you cannot sign the application. You should have the person that you help present for the application process. When complete, you will ask him or her to sign the completed application. Once this occurs, then you can forward the application for processing. If he or she cannot sign the application with you, then the SSA office will send a copy for verification and signature.
