Have you ever thought about what would happen if you could not work for an extended period? Long-term disability insurance is a crucial safety net that might be prone to oversight. Understanding why this coverage is necessary and how it can protect your financial...
Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims
How can you prove total disability in Austin?
Filing a long-term disability claim in Austin can be challenging. Many people struggle to prove their condition meets the "total disability" standard. This guide will help you understand the process and your options. What is a total disability? Total disability...
Disability claims: Challenges for gig workers and freelancers
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and many private disability insurance policies offer financial support for those who cannot work due to long-term disabilities. However, qualifying for these benefits can be complicated for gig workers and freelancers, who...
Why are long-term disability claims denied?
If the onset of a medical condition has rendered you unable to work, then you may need to rely upon your long-term disability insurance coverage, which is typically provided by your employer. However, regardless of how clean cut your case may seem, these long-term...
What does long-term disability insurance cover?
A prolonged illness or injury can prevent you from earning a living for an extended amount of time. On top of your health issues, this can be financially devastating for you and your whole family. One way to protect yourself in advance is to apply for long-term...
Know the facts about long-term disability insurance
In Texas, one issue that can be costly in every conceivable way is if a person suffers an illness or injury that leaves them unable to earn a living for an extended period. In these circumstances, long-term disability insurance coverage can be a lifesaver. However,...
Understanding the SSDI appeals process
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides important financial assistance to persons who have been disabled by an injury or illness. Unfortunately, the vast majority of SSDI benefit applications are denied at the first level of administrative review. Persons...
Steps for filing for long-term disability
Long-term disability in Texas pays you a portion of your income if you become disabled while you are still working. Unlike short-term disability, which pays you benefits until you can resume working, long-term disability may continue for many years. There are many...
Long-term disability insurance and Social Security Disability
Every year, about 5% of American workers face a temporary disability of six months or less. Their reasons can include pregnancy, injury, physical illness or mental illness, but the common factor is that their condition makes it impossible for them to earn a living the...
Can my long-term disability insurance claim be denied?
Long-term disability benefits usually start after a waiting period of several months and can last for years, depending on the policy and the condition of the claimant. However, not all long-term disability claims are approved by the insurance company. Sometimes, a...