In many automobile accidents that do not involve significant injury, the drivers involved exchange insurance information. However, you might be struck on a Texas road by a driver who possesses no insurance. The driver may not even stop to provide information and will just leave. If you cannot gain the other driver’s insurance details on the spot, there are other ways to establish who the other driver is and to try to receive compensation.
Esurance explains that, in a situation where you cannot acquire the other person’s insurance information, you should attempt to jot down all the details about the other vehicle that you can to assist in the claims process. You should try to recall the license plate number if you can, but any detail, from the color of the vehicle to the make or the model of the vehicle that struck you could be important.
While at the scene, look for people who witnessed your collision. Eyewitnesses are invaluable because they can fill in gaps in your memory, identifying aspects of the vehicle that hit you that you likely forgot or did not see. You also want witnesses to corroborate your side of the story so the offending driver cannot claim it was your fault. Ask for their names and ways to contact them later on.
Any other information you can gather on the incident can only help you. Look for landmarks such as street signs, mailboxes or light posts. You also want to record the time and location of where you sustained your accident. Finally, call the police so they can come out and file a report. In addition to having the report on file for your insurer to look at, the police can hear your description of the vehicle and the driver who hit you and use their resources to find the offending driver and get the driver’s insurance information.
The information you gather now can be helpful if your insurer opens its own investigation before processing your claim under your personal uninsured or underinsured coverage policy. explains that if the offending driver does not possess enough insurance to cover all of your damages, your insurer will investigate the merits of your claim. Hopefully, your underinsured auto insurance will cover the rest of your costs. If not, you can use the information you gathered to contest the claim if you so choose.