When Your Insurance Company Investigates You For Arson, It’s Time To Get Legal Representation
If you own a property that has been damaged by fire, your insurance company probably sent out an arson investigation team immediately. Professional arson investigators work for the corporation — not the policyholder. Denying, reducing or delaying fire damage claims because of possible arson is a common tactic. It is a bad faith insurance practice, and it is illegal under Texas insurance laws.
Get An Advocate On Your Side
Insurance companies facing policy claims for fire damage have teams of legal investigators on their side. You deserve aggressive representation, too.
More Than 25 Years Of Experience Helping Policyholders
I am attorney Jon Michael Smith, in Austin, Texas. I have been protecting the rights of business owners and individual insurance policyholders in Central Texas for more than 30 years.
I know what tactics insurance companies will use when trying to deny or minimize policy claims. I will review your case and prepare the strongest, clearest case possible to protect your financial interests and help you get the money you are counting on.
Has the insurance company denied or delayed your fire claim for any of these reasons?
- Reason to believe the fire was started intentionally
- Building or property not properly secured against an arsonist
- Property did not have required fire suppression systems operating properly
- Policyholder was late with premium payment
- Building owner had a previous record of a fire damage claim
- Policy was terminated prior to fire damage claim
- Policyholder appeared to have financial incentive to start the fire
For Aggressive Representation, Contact Me Today
As a lawyer who has fought for policyholder rights for many years, I will aggressively defend you from claims of arson while helping you obtain the policy claim damages you need.
Call my office in Austin at 512-518-4584 to discuss the denied policy, or send an email with a brief description of your legal matter. Free consultations.