Reading the fine print on an insurance policy can seem tedious, and trying to understand it may be even more of a chore. We understand that these contracts tend to have “legalese” that may make it easier for an insurance company to muddy the waters and deny claims.
If you are not sure what your policy covers, you are far from alone. The Street reports on a survey in which 40% of participants did not understand what it means when an insurance company totals a car. The survey also revealed that often, policyholders do not know how to fight a lowball offer or denied claim. This information is important, as carriers are in the business of making money, which is not always synonymous with making full and fair offers.
Building your case begins at the site of the accident, with photos of the vehicles, the license plates, the scene of the accident and documentation from the other driver and law enforcement. You also want to make copies of all your medical bills and records and keep all of this ready to submit as evidence. However, you do not want to sign a release that allows the insurance company to gather this information on your behalf.
When you have a first offer in hand, do not assume that this is the best you can do, and do not be in a rush. If you continue to receive unacceptable offers or a denial, you may want to file a grievance with the Texas Department of Insurance. More information about denied auto insurance claims is available on our webpage.