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A Texas Board Certified Trial Lawyer With More Than 25 Years Of Experience

Handling All Types Of Insurance Law Disputes

People who need disability insurance

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2019 | Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims | 0 comments

Typically, many people in Texas think they need insurance to cover medical treatments in the event of an illness of injury with the hopes that recovery will be just around the corner. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, since some people may end up with a long term disability that prevents them from working and deprives them of a steady income. This is where disability insurance comes in. Just about anybody might need disability insurance, though some groups of people are more likely to purchase it than others.

According to U.S. News and World Report, individuals most likely to purchase disability insurance are professionals who are still active in the workplace. They buy disability insurance so that they can replace their income if they become disabled. However, people who need disability insurance the most are often the people who cannot afford the premiums on their budget. These individuals usually have a lower income that only allows them to put away a small amount of money, so paying the premiums is not feasible.

Nerdwallet points out that many young people do not envision suffering a disability. The common belief is that a disability only refers to a worst case scenario like paralysis or amputation. However, the majority of disability claims actually stem from illnesses such as diabetes, heart attacks, back injuries and cancer, among other ailments. Moreover, the Social Security Administration explains that one in four people aged 20 will suffer a disability for ninety days or more before they turn 67 years old.

The degree of disability insurance people choose sometimes depends on their profession. There are people who are trained for special professions, like neurosurgery, that would lose out on their main source of income if they became seriously hurt. These individuals may choose policies that pay out if they cannot labor in their specialized field due to a disability. Others may want a policy to cover only a partial disability. They can still work, but not full time as they used to.

Disability insurance is available in many forms, including through insurance companies and workplaces. Because disability insurance can supplement income that is lost through disability, it is important that these claims be honored as soon as possible. If there is a problem with your claim, an experienced insurance attorney can provide you with assistance.
