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A Texas Board Certified Trial Lawyer With More Than 25 Years Of Experience

Handling All Types Of Insurance Law Disputes

Choosing a life insurance policy

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2018 | Delayed And Denied Insurance Claims | 0 comments

Protecting your family financially is an important consideration. That is why, at the legal practice of Jon Michael Smith, our team does everything possible to hold Texas insurers to their promises. However, our ability to secure benefits or damages is limited by the scope of internal insurance company negotiations and courtroom proceedings. Choosing the right insurance policy could go a long way towards securing your family’s future.

You might also want to look beyond insurance. Our life insurance dispute clients often suffer from an immediate lack of funds due to delayed or denied claims. While it may seem redundant, you might avoid this issue by keeping an emergency savings account to tide family members over until they resolve their insurance issue.

As outlined in an article from CNBC, free, employer-provided life insurance might seem like a good idea — but you could benefit from confirming that the coverage is adequate for your household’s needs. We sometimes work with clients who are forced to negotiate with insurance companies over amounts that are, while substantial, not enough to provide long-term coverage of debts, education costs and quality-of-life maintenance. 

We always prefer that our efforts help secure the future of our clients. We are proud to stand up to some of the biggest companies in the world to achieve this goal. However, unless a case involves deceptive business practices, we are usually limited in our ability to help by the terms of the policies our clients hold. That is why we would like everyone to carry an appropriate amount of life insurance in the first place. 
